Monday, March 31, 2008

Video: Tax Rebellion in Argentina


Anonymous said...

Well... hmmm... yadda yadda yadda.

Like I couldn't have predicted what the Wall Street Journal would have to say without wasting that three minutes of my life... I'm such a sucker sometimes.

Though now I'm curious about which part of the video you consider to be "great information" (as you claimed while pimping your blog on the BANewcomers list).

I did kind of chuckle a few times during the video, so I guess it wasn't entirely worthless. It's funny when the supposed expert keeps referring to the Kirchners as "the quiche-ners"... And it's also funny (in a sort of tragic sense) when she says that the idea of a protectionist economy is 'the stuff of the 1970s, which everybody knows doesn't work anymore' without ever even pausing to mention that Argentina knows, better than most, how the Wall Street Journal's fabled 'free market' policies are also rapidly proving their unworkability, even in the throne-room of the global capitalist empire from which she preaches. I'd bet the bourgeois bitch in the video isn't as rich as she pretends to be, and she'll be clamoring for a bit of 'protectionism' of her own when the stagflation in the U.S. gets a bit more severe. TV economists are notorious for changing their story even more often than TV weathermen.

Even in the midst of this 'crisis', I have much brighter hopes for the future of Argentina than I do for any of those nations who would follow the advice of some talking-head from The Wall Street Journal.

WynnsWoods said...

Well in all honesty, I was not pimping my blog at all. If you look at it I hardly ever even put anything on it. I do not actually consider myself a blogger really. I do, however, try to pimp my website ( LOL. I think that part of the purpose of the BANewcomers site is to afford people the opportunity to network as well as discuss prevailing issues.

I don't necessarily agree with everything the lady has to say on the video, but still think the video could be of interest to some if for no other reason than to provide some good humor as you seem to have expressed.

I too am very positive in my hopes for the outlook of Argentina. I do think that many of the policies of the Kirchner administration are throwbacks to many of the ideas of Peron. The rocky economic history here has proven repeatedly that at best these policies are short term bandaids that fail to address the prevailing underlying issues. So to that extent I think there are some things that do need to change here, particularly if Argentina hopes to rejoin a global economy. And it is their expressed desire to do so.

Thanks for your input.