Friday, February 23, 2007

Soul Relationships

To first understand what is called soul relationships, one should first consider three concepts regarding the human experiment: first, man has a unique position between nature and spirit as a free being. Second, free will presents to man the idea that one can reject this position given to one by the creator. And the third point to consider is man’s anxiety to secure one’s own position in contrast to the order created by that which governs all. This anxiety in turn leads to pride which is requisite to sin, or in this article let’s say disorder or disconnection (bad choice could equally be substituted here). This disorder in this particular model is not inevitable but man seems by one’s nature to have this need to create anxiety though an inability to dwell between worlds.

The next analysis involves the idea of man as a free being. William James, an innovative American psychologist and philosopher wrote: “The god whom science recognizes must be a God of universal laws exclusively, a God who does a wholesale, not a retail business.” The point being that the universe and more specifically human beings were designed in mass [wholesale] with the laws of nature [retail] tending to the more mundane details of existence. Why one might say: “how can this be so”? And to this the answer is that for man to indeed possess free will the creator must step outside his labors and let nature take its course (be it mother nature or human nature). Free will cannot coexist within humans in a reality where the creator or initiator participates. In this model soul relationships become an instrument by which the creator empowered the spiritual to help guide the material. And to be more specific this is exactly the framework from whence soul relationships were born.

There are theories galore regarding soul relationships the most prevalent ones concern themselves with the concept of soul mates. While there remains a wealth of contradictory information regarding the subject for some reason one rarely finds the concept joined with other spiritual relationships. There are several levels of soul relationships and the rest of this discourse will cover but three of them.

Twin flames soul mates and kindred spirits are the three divisions to be covered here. Twin flames are typically that which most refer to as “soul mates”. To distinguish these concepts simply one can imagine twin flames as one spirit in two bodies, soul mates as a spiritual family, and kindred spirits as spiritual friends or relations.

Creation or reality is determined by various methods of polarity of duality: north and south, male and female, yin and yang are but a few examples. Indeed the creator itself is often defined as Father/Mother God. Shortly after their creation spirits divide into two aspects, mirrors of the one so to speak. Often times these are defined as the masculine and feminine aspects of the collective “one”. Through a series of individual incarnations these beings reach a level of enlightenment enabling them to come back together as one. Thus true love, agape, is simply a reunification of that which had previously been divided. There is one distinct characteristic that separates Twin Flames from other soul relationships: there is only set of partners that can be twin flames and that relationship remains ever immutable.

Soul mates are at once distinguishable from twin flames in that one will often share many lives with soul mates and one can have several soul mates over the span of existence and often at the same times. Soul mates come together often as friends or lovers and generally speaking have tasks or various karmas to resolve while in that particular incarnation. Many theorize that soul mates have additional tasks derived to assist the collective.

Kindred spirits are typically those that come into one’s life at a particular time and for a specific purpose. While their time together is typically short lived the experience and learning of that union is significant and typically carries from one live to the subsequent ones. The functions of kindred spirits as well as of Soul mates can on occasion be fulfilled by one’s twin but this is rare.

In the grander scheme, all souls and creature come from the same source. So as the reunions and mixing of spirits occurs over the eons, the intention is ultimately for the collective of all that is to reunite. But for what purpose is all this? The writer leaves that to you to determine for yourself.
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