Monday, July 20, 2009

On Frank Almeida of Sugar & Spice

As many of you may have noticed, I have remained silent on the recent posts by and about Frank Almeida of Sugar & Spice that have been popping up on local forums, blogs, websites and social networking sites. I have since decided that I want to share a few words with you regarding my thoughts on Frank, his company and his involvement in the community. In my opinion, there are three types of people involved in a community: those who are members of a community, those who participate in a community and those who help create a community. Frank clearly falls into all three of those categories. However, when I think of the last group, those who strive to build something greater than themselves, Frank immediately comes to mind as both a leader and a pioneer.

I know from firsthand experience that Frank has striven to contribute in a significant way to assist both the local and the expatriate communities. As many of you are aware, I am involved with several organizations here in town working within both the expat and local community. Frank, along with Sugar & Spice, has been there nearly every step of the way. He has offered encouragement, support, time, energy and on several occasions has either catered events or offered items for raffles which were intended to promote a greater community than the one we arrived to participate in.

Throughout history there have been those who have cared about the world around them. There have been those who wanted to create a better community, a greater world. There have been those who have tirelessly given of themselves, their time, and their talents. And unfortunately, throughout the ages these people have met strong resistance. However, I believe in people and in the power of community. And I also believe in the power of light to conquer the darkness.

In the instant case, I am reminded of the words of Haile Selassie excerpted from a speech he gave before the United Nations in 1968:

“...until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and goodwill; until all [of us] stand and speak as free human beings, equal in the eyes of the Almighty; until that day, [we] shall not know peace. We ... will fight if necessary and we know that we shall win as we are confident in the victory of good over evil.”

Frank is one of the best men I have ever had the privilege to call friend. I admire Frank. He has my respect. And he has my full support and that of those who I hold most dear. 

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