Saturday, January 5, 2008

Women’s Emerging Dominance in Argentina

I was reading an article in the Miami Herald entitled In Argentina, Women lead a sex revolution . The article did talk about the sexual revolution here in Argentina but raised some other interesting points regarding women in Argentina in recent years.

For instance the article noted that it was the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo that carried the torch regarding the the disappearance of their children during the military dictatorship of 1976 to 1983. Then after the last economic crisis in 2001 it was the women and not the men that took to the streets to protest. In the recent presidential election both the winner and runner-up were women.

I find it very encouraging to see that women are so active in making positive change in this country and I wonder when the USA will join the ranks of countries that recognize that women are every bit as capable as men at running a country.

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